
Consulting, Projects, Publications


  • Fish- and fish larvae biology
  • Studies on fish larval nutrition and digestion physiology, including the development of microparticulate feed (Microdiets)
  • Hatchery design for research and production in developing countries including solar power supply
  • Fish aquaculture
  • Public relation including graphic design (presentations for lay persons, print- and online publications) in a wide variety of topics in biology
  • High quality photographie and aerial drone surveys, including professional photo- and video editing
  • Specialized books in marine navigation


  • Fish larval nutrition and digestion physiology, including the development of microparticulate feed (Microdiets)
  • Hatchery design for research and production in developing countries including solar power supply
  • Fish aquaculture
  • Public relation including graphic design (presentations for lay persons, print- and online publications) in a wide variety of topics in biology
  • High quality photographie and aerial deone surveys, including professional photo- and video editing
  • Specialsed books in marine navigation

Books, Book Chapter & Reports

  • Ueberschär B., 2023, Report: Abschätzung der möglichen wirtschaftlichen Verluste an Nutzfischbiomasse bei der Umsetzung des durch die SWK beantragten Fischschutzkonzepts - Background and occasion: Reactivation of a water cooling system for the K.I.E.L coastal power plant to support gas engine cooling based on the water cooling system of the old coal-fired Power Plant (GKK), which was decommissioned in 2019. On behalf of the Kieler Stadwerke, 28 p, 2023.
    Ueberschär B., 2022, Report: Fischbestandsinventur Kieler Förde - Background and occasion: Reactivation of a water cooling system for the K.I.E.L coastal power plant to support gas engine cooling based on the water cooling system of the old coal-fired Power Plant (GKK), which was decommissioned in 2019. The technical report describes the fish population in the Kiel Fjord with an assessment of the risk potential of cooling water extraction at species and population level. On behalf of the Kieler Stadwerke, 76 p, 2022.
    Åmansboken. Åmansboken is about the management and restoration of watercourses in agricultural areas. The focus is on the rivers in western Skåne, but much of the content also applies to other watercourses in intensively cultivated plains. 140 pages. Ed. Rainer Weich, 2019.
    German Fisheries History. A comprehensive picture about the development of the German fisheries in history. German fishing has a very changeful history. Starting in the 18th century, a lively deep-sea fishing industry developed, which came to a complete stop at the end of the 2nd World War. Beyond 1949, when restrictions for the size of German fishing vessels were withdrawn, Germany was putting its first stern trawlers and factory trawlers into operation. Some decades followed with a very successfully operating German fishing fleet and adjacent industry. Since the 90th, German fiheries activities were declining for a number of reasons, and the fishery today is more or less in the conditions of what it had been before the first fishing steamer was put into operation: mainly a coastal fishing industry, extending into the deeper waters of the North Sea only within a very limited framework, a sector of minimal economic significance, not only for Germany in general but also for the coastal regions in particular. The article tried to summarize the German fishing history in a comprehensive manner. Ed. Bernd Ueberschär, 2020.
    Success Factors for Fish Larval Production. A comprehensive and authoritative synthesis on the successful production of fish larvae (2018). Feeding Behaviour and Digestive Physiology in Larval Fish: Current Knowledge, and Gaps and Bottlenecks in Research. Ivar Rønnestad, Manuel Yúfera, Bernd Ueberschär, Laura Ribeiro, Øystein Sæle and Clara Boglione. Luis Conceicao & Amos Tandler (Editors). 512 pages. John Wiley & Sons, (ISBN 978-1-119-07214-0).
     Das Malawi Projekt "Ich liebe Fisch". In: Nachhaltige Aquakultur (2020). Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis starker Nachhaltigkeit. Konrad Ott, Carsten Schulz, Rüdiger Schulz (Hg.). Band 10, 172 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-7316-1349-7 (25. Februar 2020 ). Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg 2020
     B. Ueberschär (2020) Haste Töne? -Kommunikation im Meer. In: TIEFSEE-Vielfalt in der Dunkelheit. Begleitbuch zum Ausstellungsbereich „TIEFSEE“ im Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt am Main. Thorolf Müller, Gerd Hoffmann-Wieck (Hrsg.). Virtuelle Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Tiefsee und Meeresforschung".
     B. Ueberschär, 2019: Aquakultur: Entwicklung und Produktionsformen. In: Ernährung im Fokus, 02/2019. Bundeszentrum für Ernährung (BZfE). Auch 2019 ist die Aquakultur weltweit immer noch das am schnellsten wachsende Segment der Nahrungsmittelproduktion. In den vergangenen 30 Jahren hat die globale Produktion jährlich um durchschnittlich acht Prozent zugenommen, deutlich stärker als zum Beispiel Geflügelzucht oder Eierproduktion, und liegt heute bei rund 90 Millionen Tonnen (FAO, SOFIA 2018). Erstaunlicherweise ist aber den wenigsten Konsumenten bekannt, wie Aquakultur praktisch funktioniert. Gleichzeitig wächst das Interesse an der Herkunft und Qualität von Lebensmitteln.
     B. Ueberschär, 2019: Aquakultur und innovative Gemüseerzeugung in Malawi. Das Projekt „Ich liebe Fisch“. In: Ernährung im Fokus, 01/2019. Bundeszentrum für Ernährung (BZfE). Ein Bericht zum Stand des Forschungs- & Entwicklungsprojekts "Ich liebe Fisch".
     B. Ueberschär, 2018: Implementation of new hatchery technologies to improve the supply of tilapia fingerlings for rural farmer in Malawi. In: Hatcheryfeed Vol. 6 Issue 4, 2018.
     B. Ueberschär, 2024:Facilitating climate smart circular bioeconomy - investigating the economic and ecological viability of aquaponics combined with black soldier fly propagation for rural and urban communities in Malawi. "AquaFly". A pilot project. Report in German: Innovative Produktionsmethoden für Lebensmittel unter den Bedingungen in Malawi (AquaFly).
      Findings of recent or current ongoing research projects on fish larvae physiology. Variability in Digestive Enzyme Capacity in Early Stages of Marine Fish Larvae: Ontogenetic Variations, Biorhythms, Hormonal Control and Nutrient Sensing Mechanisms. Bernd Ueberschär, Carmen Navarro-Guillén, Ana Gomes, Ivar Rønnestad, Carlos Rojas-Garcia, Inken Hanke et al. Pages 87-129 in: Emerging Issues in Fish Larval Research, Editors: Yufera, M. (Ed.).
      Ueberschär, B. 1999: Kritische Zeiten für Fischlarven. Die Trypsinaktivität als biochemischer Indikator zur Bestimmung des Ernährungszustandes sowie der Fressaktivität von Fischlarven und seine Anwendung in Feldstudien. Weissensee Verlag, Berlin, pp 201, ISBN 3-934479-11-1
      Darah Gibson, Rainer Froese, Bernd Ueberschär, Kyrstn Zylich and Dirk Zeller, 2015: Reconstruction of total marine fisheries catches for Germany in the North Sea (1950-2010). Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries: A Critical Appraisal of Catches and Ecosystem Impacts. 520 pages. Edited by Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller. ISBN 9781610917698 Publishing Date October 2016.
  • Recent results from research in microdiet performance. Bernd Ueberschär & Ingmar Høgøy, Molofeed. Hatcheryfeed, Vol. 7, Issue 3, p. 31-33, 2019.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2016): Taste for Tots. Hatchery Feed Guide & Year Book 2016, Edition: 2016, Publisher: LLC., pp.4
  • Darah Gibson, Bernd Ueberschär, Kyrstn Zylich and Dirk Zeller, 2014: Reconstruction of total marine fisheries catches for Denmark in the Kattegat, the Skagerrak and the North Sea (1950-2010). Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries: A Critical Appraisal of Catches and Ecosystem Impacts. 520 pages. Edited by Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller. ISBN 9781610917698 Publishing Date October 2016.
  • Bourimi, M., Ueberschär, B., Ganglbauer, E., Kesdogan, D., Barth, T., Dax, J. und Heupel, M. (2011) Building usable and privacy-preserving mobile collaborative applications for real-life communities: A case study based report In: 2010 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2010). IEEE, London, UK, pp. 435-442. ISBN 978-1-4577-1823-6
  • Ueberschär, B. (1995) The use of tryptic enzyme activity measurement as a nutritional condition index: Laboratory calibration data and field application In: Mass Rearing of Juvenile Fish: a symposium held in Bergen, 21-23 June 1993, ed. by Pittman, K., Batty, R. S.und Verreth, J. ICES Marine Science Symposia, 201 . ICES, Kopenhagen, pp. 119-129.
  • Clemmesen, C. und Ueberschär, B. (1993) Application of RNA/DNA ratio and tryptic enzyme activity on laboratory-reared and wild-caught herring larvae In: Fish Ecotoxicology and Ecophysiology. , ed. by Braunbeck, T., Hanke, W. und Segner, H. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Weinheim, pp. 227-232.
  • Ueberschär, B. (1993) Measurement of proteolytic enzyme activity: Significance and application in larval fish research In: Physiological and biochemical aspects of fish development. , ed. by Walther, B. T. und Fyhn, H. J. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, pp. 233-239. ISBN 82-992402-0-4

Nautical Literature

  • The portfolio of the nautical literature of BioServe was was realized with Christer Hanbo. He is one of the country's most experienced course leaders and course administrators in nautica. He is also a sea captain and interrogator for the Board for Boating Education and the Maritime Academy in Kalmar. At present, all books are only available in Swedish. Please ask for options for other languages (German and English).
  •  Education in basic navigation - Christer Hanbo. Strictly limited to demands for the Swedish NfB's “Förarintyg” from 2017. Exercise example with results for the Swedish west and east coast. NfB’s levels of knowledge revised at the beginning of each chapter. 70 pages, richly illustrated in partial color. 22nd edition, March 2019.
     Astronavigation - Christer Hanbo. A textbook in celestial navigation, including astronomical tables needed to complete the practical exercises. 64 pages, richly illustrated.
     Marine officer Class VIII - Christer Hanbo. The guide to the swedish national qualification for professional traffic with up to 12 passengers and vessels up to 20 (earlier tons). This book includes Legislation, Radar and Passenger Safety. Supplemented with selected parts from the book “Advanced navigation”, all requirements for the examination are covered (4th edition 2019). 44 pages, richly illustrated.
     CEVNI - Rainer Weich. A textbook in our series of navigation books. Many illustrations and a pedagogical approach make it easier for you to understand CEVNI, the complicated regulations for European inland waters. (revised November 2019). 32 pages in full color.
     Tidal navigation - Christer Hanbo. A textbook in our series of navigation books. 3rd edition 2018. 20 pages in full color
     Advanced Navigation - Christer Hanbo. Includes only requirements according to to NfB's “Kustskepparintyget”. Exercise examples with results. NfB knowledge requirements and references for repetition of education in basic navigation at the beginning of each chapter. 60 p. Richly color illustrated. 7th completely revised edition October 2017 (revised February 2020)
     VHF Certificate - Christer Hanbo. With focus on NfB:s (Nämnden För Båtlivsutbildning) requirements for the international Short Range Certificate. Reading advice begins each chapter. Exercise questions with results. 24 p. Illustrated. 20th revised edition August 2020

Peer-reviewed article (selection)

  • Zeytin S., Schulz C., Ueberschär B., 2016: Diurnal patterns of tryptic enzyme activity under different feeding regimes in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae, Aquaculture, Volume 457, 20 April 2016, Pages 85-90, ISSN 0044-8486.
  • Arndt C., Sommer U., Ueberschär B., 2015: A comparative in-vitro-test on the digestibility of live prey for fish larvae under specific consideration of trypsin. Aquaculture 01/2015; 446:12 - 16. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.03.033
  • Tillner, R., Rönnestad, I., Dhert, P. und Ueberschär, B. (2014) The regulatory loop between gut cholecystokinin and tryptic enzyme activity in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae is influenced by different feeding regimes and trigger substances. Aquaculture, 420/421 . pp. 139-146. DOI 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2013.10.046.
  • Seixas, S., Dove, C., Ueberschär, B., & Bostock, J. (2014). Evaluation on the use of e-learning tools to support teaching and learning in aquaculture and aquatic sciences education. Aquaculture International. doi:10.1007/s10499-014-9828-9
  • Tillner, R., Rønnestad, I., Harboe, T. und Ueberschär, B. (2013) Evidence for a regulatory loop between cholecystokinin (CCK) and tryptic enzyme activity in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A - Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 166 (3). pp. 490-495. DOI 10.1016/j.cbpa.2013.08.001.
  • Dedual, M., Sague Pla, O., Arlinghaus, R., Clarke, A., Ferter, K., Geertz-Hansen, P., Gerdaux, D., Hames, F., Kennely, S.,Kleiven, A. R., Meraner, A. und Ueberschär, B. (2013) Communication between scientists, fishery managers and recreational fishers: lessons learned from a comparative analysis of international case studies Fisheries Management and Ecology, 20 (2-3). pp. 234-246. DOI 10.1111/fme.12001.
  • Roennestad, I., Yufera, M., Ueberschär, B., Ribeiro, L., Saele, O., Izquierdo, M. und Boglione, C. (2013) Feeding behaviour and digestion physiology in larval fish – current knowledge and gaps and bottlenecks in research Reviews in Aquaculture, 5 (Suppl.1). S59-S98. DOI 10.1111/raq.12010.
  • Tillner, R., Rønnestad, I., Harboe, T. und Ueberschär, B. (2013) Hormonal control of tryptic enzyme activity in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua): Involvement of cholecystokinin during ontogeny and diurnal rhythm Aquaculture, 402 . pp. 133-140. DOI 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2013.04.003.
  • Lischka, S., Gimenez, L., Hagen, W. und Ueberschär, B. (2007) Seasonal changes in digestive enzyme (trypsin) activity of the copepods Pseudocalanus minutus (Calanoida) and Oithona similis (Cyclopoida) in the Arctic Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) Polar Biology, 30 . pp. 1331-1341. DOI 10.1007/s00300-007-0294-y.
  • Busse, K., Beeck, P., Bott, U., Grube, W., Möser, T., Perry, S., Sloman, W., Ueberschär, B. und Valdebenito, I. (2006)Haemoglobin and size dependent constraints on swimbladder inflation in fish larvae Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie, 5 . pp. 35-53.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2006) Kritische Zeiten für Fischlarven - Bestimmng der Trypsinaktivität zur Beobachtung des Ernährungszustands von Fischlarven in Labor- und Felduntersuchungen - ein Überblick Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie, 5 . pp. 193-229.
  • Drossou, A., Ueberschär, B., Rosenthal, H. und Herzig, K. H. (2006) Ontogenetic development of the proteolytic digestion activities in larvae of Oreochromis niloticus fed with different diets Aquaculture, 256 . pp. 479-488. DOI10.1016/j.aquaculture.2006.01.038 .
  • Probst, W. N., Tan, D., Gao, Y., Drossou, A., Petereit, C., Wecker, B., Xiong, M., Ueberschär, B., Chang, J. und Rosenthal, H.(2006) Rearing of Procypris rabaudi during early life history stages Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22 . pp. 530-535. DOI10.1111/j.1439-0426.2006.00817.x.
  • Ferraz-Dias, J., Clemmesen, C., Ueberschär, B., Rossi-Wongtschowski, C. und Katsuragawa, M. (2004) Condition of Brazilian sardine, Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindacher, 1879) larvae in the Sao Sebastiao inner and middle continental shelf (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 52 (1). pp. 81-87.
  • Pedersen, B. H., Ueberschär, B. und Kurukawa, T. (2003) Digestive response and rates of growth in pre-leptocephalus larvae of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) reared on artificial diets Aquaculture, 215 . pp. 321-338. DOI 10.1016/S0044-8486(02)00065-0.
  • Rossi-Wongtschowski, C. L., Clemmesen, C., Ueberschär, B. und Ferraz-Dias, J. F. (2003) Larval condition and growth of Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879): preliminary results from laboratory studies Scientia Marina, 67 . pp. 13-23.
  • Rojas-Garcia, C. R., Rönnestad, I. und Ueberschär, B. (2001) Combined sensitive analytical methods for cholecystokinin levels and tryptic activity in individual fish larvae Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 265 . pp. 101-115. DOI10.1016/S0022-0981(01)00327-6.
  • MacKenzie, B. R., Ueberschär, B., Basford, D., Heath, M. und Gallego, A. (1999) Diel variability of feeding activity in haddock (Melanogrammus aeglifinus) larvae in the East Shetland area, North Sea Marine Biology, 135 . pp. 361-368. DOI10.1007/s002270050635.
  • Nolting, M., Ueberschär, B. und Rosenthal, H. (1999) Trypsin activity and physiological aspects in larval rearing of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) using live prey and compound diets Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 15 . pp. 138-142. DOI10.1046/j.1439-0426.1999.00138.x.
  • Wongtschowski, C., Clemmesen, C., Ferraz-Dias, J. und Ueberschär, B. (1999) Larval growth and condition of Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879): laboratory studies on otolith microstructure, RNA/DNA ratio and tryptic enzyme activity, preliminary results. Advances en metodos y technologia aplicados a la investigacion pesquera INIDEP-JICA, Mar del Plata, Argentinien . pp. 101-105.
  • Ueberschär, B., Pedersen, B. H. und Hjelmeland, K. (1992) Quantification of trypsin with a radioimmunoassay in herring larvae (Clupea harengus) compared with a highly sensitive fluorescence technique to determine tryptic enzyme activity Marine Biology, 113 (3). pp. 469-473. DOI 10.1007/BF00349173.
  • Ueberschär, B. und Clemmesen, C. (1992) A comparison of the nutritional condition of herring larvae as determined by two biochemical methods - tryptic enzyme activity and RNA/DNA ratio measurements ICES Journal of Marine Science, 49 . pp. 245-249. DOI 10.1093/icesjms/49.2.245.
  • Ueberschär, B. (1988) Determination of the nutritional condition of individual marine fish larvae by analysing their proteolytic enzyme activities with a highly sensitive fluorescence technique Meeres forschung-Reports on Marine Research, 32 . pp. 144-154.

Presentations, Reports & Workshops (selection)

  • Ueberschär B., 2016: "Fit mit Fisch" - Was gibt's Neues aus dem Fischladen? Ringvorlesung "Ozeane und Meers". Dezember 2016, TU-Braunschweig, Fachbereich Geoökologie und Umweltnaturwissenschaften.
  • Ueberschär B., 2015: Fisch auf den Tisch – aber welcher ist der richtige? 23. Aachener Diätetik Fortbildung 2015, September 2015. Verband für Ernährung und Diätetik (VFED) e.V.
  • Ueberschär B., Zeytin S., Tillner R., Sommerfeld, D. (2014): Auf dem Weg zum optimalen Trockenfutter für marine Fischlarven – Der Beitrag des ProLarva Projektes. 5. Büsumer Fischtag, 5. Juni 2014, mariCUBE Büsum, Germany.
  • Zeytin, S. ,Ueberschär B. & Tillner, R. (2104): Evaluation of Diurnal Pattern of Tryptic Enzyme Activity at Early Stage Gilthead Sea bream (Sparus Aurata) Larvae. October 14-17, 2014 - European Aquaculture Society (EAS 2014) Conference, San Sebastian, Spain.
  • Zeytin, S. & Ueberschär B. (2013): Introduction of the ProLarva-Project and first results. Institute for Animal Breeding and Husbandry, Kiel, 7th of November 2013.
  • Zeytin, S. , Ueberschär B. & Tillner, R. (2014): Assessment of Diurnal Patterns of Tryptic Enzyme Activity in Early Stage Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus Aurata) Larvae Under Different Feeding Regimes”. Oral Presentation at FABA (International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science), 25-27 September, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Ueberschär, B. et al (2014): Organisation of the Aqua-tnet Workshop on Digital Skills for Teachers. Final Annual Meeting, Aqua-tnet III, June 2014, Malta.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2014): Fischverzehr im Einklang mit der Ökologie. Vortrag am Naturkundemuseum Erlebnis Naturschau, Dornbirn, Österreich, Oktober 2014.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2012) Fit mit Fisch [Vortrag f.d. Öffentlichkeit] In: Schulung und Vortrag zum Thema nachhaltiger Fischkonsum - Alnatura Firmenzentrale, 20.08.2012, Bickenbach, Germany.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2012) Lebendfuttersysteme und Microdiets für die Larvenanfütterung [Vortrag] In: Eurotier 2012. Fisch im Fokus! Aquakultur auf der EuroTier, 11.-14.11.2012, Hannover, Germany
  • Ueberschär, B. (2012) Lebensraum Ostsee: Die Ostsee – ein kleines Meer mit vielen Problemen [Vortrag] In: Förderverein Fischereigeschichte Möltenort e.V. Fischereimuseum, 03.08.2012, Möltenort, Germany.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2012) Nachhaltigkeit bei Fischprodukten: „Fit mit Fisch“ – Was gibt‘s Neues aus dem Fischladen? [Vortrag f.d. Öffentlichkeit] In: 20. Aachener Diätetik Fortbildung, 14.-16.09.2012, Aachen, Germany.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2011) Critical periods in early stages of fish and the role of mesocosm in larval fish research [Vortrag] In: MESOAQUA PhD Course/Workshop, 29.08.-02.09.2011, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany .
  • Tillner, R., Rönnestad, I., Harboe, T. und Ueberschär, B. (2011) Hormonal control of tryptic activity in marine fish larvae: ontogeny and diurnal rhythm [Vortrag] In: Aquaculture Europe Conference 2011, 18.-21.10.2011, Rhodes, Greece.
    Ueberschär, B. (2011) Kritische Zeiten für kleine Fische - eine Kindheit im Watt [Vortrag f.d. Öffentlichkeit] In: Kinderuni Wyk auf Föhr, 18.08.2011, Wyk auf Föhr, Germany.
    Ueberschär, B. (2011) Zertifizierung und Verbraucheraspekte bei Aquakulturprodukten [Anderer] In: Welchen Beitrag kann die Aquakultur in Deutschland zur Bioökonomie leisten? Fachgespräch zur Identifizierung des Forschungs- und Handlungsbedarfs. Forschungs- und Technologierat Bioökonomie (BÖR), Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), 02.11.2011, Berlin, Germany.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2010) Fisch als Nahrungsmittel aus Aquakulturen: Eine kritische Betrachtung im ökologischen Kontext [Eingeladener Vortrag] In: 18. Aachener Diätetik Fortbildung (ADF) 2010, 10.-12.09.2010, Aachen, Germany.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2010) Fischkonsum im Einklang mit der Ökologie [Eingeladener Vortrag] In: Vortragsreihe Angewandter Naturschutz, Universität Würzburg, 22.11.2010, Würzburg, Germany.
  • Ronnestad, I., Hamre, K., Yufera, M., Ueberschär, B., Boglione, C. und Ribeiro, L. (2010) Nutrition related to digestive physiology, appetite and feeding behavior in fish larvae - knowledge gaps and bottlenecks for advancing larval rearing [Vortrag] In: Aquaculture Europe Conference, 05.-08.10.2010, Porto, Portugal.
  • Karsten Borchard, Bernd Ueberschär, Stephanie Schütze, Rolf A. E. Müller "Fische im Netz" (2010): Einrichtung einer Webplattform mit Web 2.0-Technologien zum Informationsaustausch in einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt. Precision Agriculture Reloaded. Informationsgestützte Landwirtschaft. Referate der 30. GIL Jahrestagung, 24.-25. Februar 2010, Stuttgart.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2008) Critical Times for Fish Larvae [Vortrag] In: 4th Sino-German Summer School "Ocean Under Stress", 27.07.-08.08, Qingdao, China.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2008) Fischkonsum im Einklang mit der Ökologie [Vortrag] In: NICHT SPEZIFIZIERT, 01.07, Maasholm.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2008) Fischverzehr im Einklang mit der Ökologie [Vortrag] In: Ozean der Zukunft auf dem Schleswig-Holstein-Tag, 11.-13.07, Kiel.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2008) New innovative teaching methods in aquaculture [Vortrag] In: Aqua-TNET Annual and final meeting, 19.09, Krakow, Poland . Ueberschär, B. (2007) "Fischverzehr im Einklang mit der Ökologie " [Vortrag] In: 15. Aachener Diätetik Fortbildung, 15.09, Aachen . Ueberschär, B. (2007) Ozean der Zukunft [Vortrag] In: Ausstellung "Ozean der Zukunft" des Kieler Exzellenzclusters in der Landesvertretung von Schleswig-Holstein, 09.-29.10, Berlin .
  • Ueberschär, B. (2007) Ozean der Zukunft [Vortrag] In: Ausstellung "Ozean der Zukunft" des Kieler Exzellenzclusters anläßlich der Kieler Woche, 02.-30.06, Kiel .
  • Ueberschär, B., Müller, G., Lehmhaus, F. W. und Hoffmann-Wieck, G. (2007) Von wegen „Stumm wie ein Fisch" [Vortrag] In: interaktive Ausstellung (gefördert vom BMBF, DFG) im Rahmen der Gesamtausstellung " Sprache ist mehr als Worte“ auf dem Ausstellungsschiff „MS-Wissenschaft“, 05.06.-07.10.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2005); FishBase and biodiversity information systems [Eingeladener Vortrag] In: 1st International Workshop on Conservation of Ecological Integrity in the Yangtze River, 21.07, Hubei, China.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2005): Kritische Zeiten für Fischlarven [Eingeladener Vortrag] In: 5. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie (GfI), VII. Symposium zur Ökologie, Ethologie und Systematik der Fische, 22.09, Bonn.
  • Ueberschär, B. (2005) Notes on strategies for education & training in aquaculture [Eingeladener Vortrag] In: The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Aquaculture Platform Workshop 4 on Education and Training (E&T), 26.09, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines.
  • Zeytin S., Ueberschär B., Tillner R., Sommerfeld D. (2014): Optimization of food and feeding conditions for marine fish larvae under consideration of micro diets. 5. Büsumer Fischtag, 5th of June 2014, mariCube, Büsum, Germany. Tillner, R., Rönnested, I., Dhert, P. und Ueberschär, B. (2013) Cholecystokinin and tryptic enzyme activity in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae: the impact of feeding regimes and a trigger substance [Poster] In: Larvi 2013, 6. Fish & Shellfish Larviculture Symposium, 02.-05.09.2013, Ghent, Belgien.
  • Ueberschär, B., Mohamed, B. und Schwittek, W. (2011) Mobile applications for the angling community: supporting Biodiversity research in FishBase [Poster] In: 6th World Recreational Fishing Conference, 01.-04.08.2011, Berlin, Germany . Ueberschär, B. (2008) New on-line services from FishBase for angler communities with special focus on mobile devices applications[Poster] In: 5th WRFC World Recreational Fishing Conference "The Angler in the Environment", 10.-14.11, Dania Beach, Florida, U.S.A.